Paul Weller, The Jam

2019-04-09 02 jam F copy.tif File metadata

Paul Weller, The Jam

Owner: Andy Rosen

Digital fingerprint: 795d4a14 ede28d36 b8841c95 80958b14 ee1f0265 f1e3af36 92f51670 6a21ad44

Title: Paul Weller, The Jam

Creator: Andy Rosen

Owner: Andy Rosen

Registered by: Andy Rosen

Date of registration: 2021-09-07

Credit line: Andy Rosen

Copyright status: All Rights Reserved.

Copyright notice: All Rights Reserved.

AI notice: NoAI May not be used in AI training

Web statement of rights:

Licensor URL:

Work type: Visual Arts/Photography

Submitted at: 9/7/2021 6:23PM

Available for: Freelance work

Additional info:

Exhibited At Snap Gallery, London. 25 May 2019 marks the launch of The Jam Exhibition DIDN'T WE HAVE A NICE TIME

*** Available for licencing

This FileProtected registration provides certified proof that on 9/7/2021 8:23PM, the 1 files and the metadata listed here were digitally fingerprinted, timestamped and recorded in the Blockchain by Andy Rosen. It provides a tamper proof record of the date of creation, ownership, attribution, and the authenticity of the content with verifiable proof for courts of law.
Registration: Bitcoin Block 699513

Date of registration: 2021-09-07

Submitted at: 9/7/2021 6:23PM

Copyright status: All Rights Reserved.

Copyright notice: All Rights Reserved.

Digital fingerprint: 795d4a14 ede28d36 b8841c95 80958b14 ee1f0265 f1e3af36 92f51670 6a21ad44
© 2025 All Rights Reserved. All images, files and information appearing in this FileProtected registration, unless noted otherwise, are the exclusive property of Andy Rosen and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws.
The data may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without written permission. Copyright laws impose substantial penalties for infringement, and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Paul Weller, My Studio, London Camden Town, 1979

This image was taken in my studio in Camden Town. I had just rented a small space in the back of a print shop on Chalk Farm Rd bang opposite the market. Nowadays, the whole area has been developed. I think it’s now the 2nd biggest tourist attraction in England. Back then, it was just a small cool market and area. Paul arrived with I think Kenny his minder early on a weekday. The whole studio thing was new to me. Most of my stuff up until I got a studio was all outside, rain or shine. I remember being nervous because I was not really confident about being in a studio. I had three strobe units and a few rolls of backdrop. Learning how to use the strobe and getting the results you wanted was a bit of a learning curve. Strobe lighting blasts out a lot of light, and it’s hard to control it. I decided it was best to keep things simple. I only used one light with the only attachment I had, a spotlight. As you can see, it cut down the light, and it was easy for me to control. Paul stayed for a few hours. I shot a few different setups but kept the light more or less the same for all. 

License terms

Media dimensions: 992x671px
Media type: TIFF