Instagram Registration on 2023-06-25 06:00:45

Published on Instagram on 2023-06-25 06:00:45 File metadata

Instagram Registration on 2023-06-25 06:00:45


Digital fingerprint: f29611f4 cf26b67d 4029031a f616b1af 25105da9 9228d8b5 d93d9ab0 8a334c59

Title: Instagram Registration on 2023-06-25 06:00:45

Date of registration: 2023-06-25 06:00:45

AI notice: NoAI May not be used in AI training

Work type: Visual Arts/Photography

Submitted at: 7/5/2023 8:34PM

This FileProtected registration provides certified proof that on 7/5/2023 10:36PM, the 1 files and the metadata listed here were digitally fingerprinted, timestamped and recorded in the Blockchain by Peggy Steevensz. It provides a tamper proof record of the date of creation, ownership, attribution, and the authenticity of the content with verifiable proof for courts of law.
Registration: Bitcoin Block 797350

Date of registration: 2023-06-25 06:00:45

Submitted at: 7/5/2023 8:34PM

Digital fingerprint: f29611f4 cf26b67d 4029031a f616b1af 25105da9 9228d8b5 d93d9ab0 8a334c59
© 2024 All Rights Reserved. All images, files and information appearing in this FileProtected registration, unless noted otherwise, are the exclusive property of and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws.
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Titanics 33rd Atlantic cycle since launch at the same time as Ocean Gate launch. The domain of the underworld, beneath the surface, the hidden, the deep ocean is a powerful domain. Excellent preparation with respect when entering this realm. An offering is always a good idea. The Sherpas/locals do this when ascending Mt. Everest. Astrologically, Atlantis may represent being overwhelmed or “flooded”, including actual maritime or natural disasters involving water. There can be a sense of warning or impending doom, and it relates to improper use of knowledge or technology, with its attendant risks and negative outcomes. There are two sides to the Atlantis, one is spiritual, regarding our relationship to God or the cosmos. The other is technological, regarding our relationship to Big Science and ordinary technology. While there is a warning message attached to asteroid 1198, it also carries the beauty, Oneness, and wisdom of Atlantis too.

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Media dimensions: 1800x1440px
Media type: JPG