The Jam Laughing

The Jam Laughing File metadata

The Jam Laughing

Owner: Andy Rosen

Digital fingerprint: 045944be c7daf20d 4e654948 25fbfce5 8a79b82f 0b4073d4 639e98a9 0ec8b760

Title: The Jam Laughing

Creator: Andy Rosen

Owner: Andy Rosen

Copyright status: All Rights Reserved.

AI notice: NoAI May not be used in AI training

Work type: Visual Arts/Photography

Submitted at: 5/24/2019 10:55PM


Published date: 1979-02-15

This FileProtected registration provides certified proof that on 5/25/2019 12:00AM, the 1 files and the metadata listed here were digitally fingerprinted, timestamped and recorded in the Blockchain by Andy Rosen. It provides a tamper proof record of the date of creation, ownership, attribution, and the authenticity of the content with verifiable proof for courts of law.
Registration: Bitcoin Block 577623

Submitted at: 5/24/2019 10:55PM

Copyright status: All Rights Reserved.

Digital fingerprint: 045944be c7daf20d 4e654948 25fbfce5 8a79b82f 0b4073d4 639e98a9 0ec8b760
© 2025 All Rights Reserved. All images, files and information appearing in this FileProtected registration, unless noted otherwise, are the exclusive property of Andy Rosen and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws.
The data may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without written permission. Copyright laws impose substantial penalties for infringement, and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

This image is unique in the fact that the whole band are laughing, and especially Paul. I don’t remember taking any other pics of Paul laughing, and I have not seen many. To get them all laughing is a Gift (excuse the pun). One of my favourite portraits is of Paul on his own from this session with fantastic light, but this image is about the fact that they are laughing their heads off. I can’t remember why they were laughing, but I knew it was a rare moment. In the early days, Paul was always serious and moody. The irony is that not long after this shot the Jam broke up.

It was taken at the famous Air Studios. In 1969 George Martin left EMI to establish an independent recording complex in the heart of Central London. It became one of the most successful studio operations in the world. I knew it pretty well and had shot bands there before. As it happens, I did a session with Paul McCartney there. At the time I was working for Sounds music paper. The Jam was recording the Gift. When I arrived there John Weller (Pauls's dad and manager) informed me that I would have to be quick as the band were behind schedule and Paul was already late. No surprise there. I would always arrive early to shoots to scope out locations and prep everything. I decided to take the stairs rather than the elevator to save time. As I opened the door, a burst of blazing sunlight suddenly filled the staircase and projected the window framing on the opposite wall. I had to look no further for a location. It was perfect. Only one problem Paul had not arrived yet, and there was no guarantee the sun would shine for me on demand. I ran back upstairs hoping Paul had turned up, no sign of Paul. Rick and Bruce were already there. I went back to the staircase to prep for the shot. It's actually a tough shot to get exposure wise and even harder to print. The difference between the highlights and the shadows are extreme. Much easier now with digital but with a pre-digital Nikon F2, not so easy! You also had no idea if you got it right until you got your film back from the lab. I opened the door… no sun. I was pissed and resigned to the fact that if there was no sun, there was no sun. I would just do the shoot without it. Not as good, but that's sod's law. In the end, Paul turned up. I grabbed him and the band and dashed back to the stairways. My stars were aligned for the next 30 mins the sun blazed. I managed to get all my shots of Paul and the band, colour and black and white. 

License terms

Media dimensions: 1002x675px
Media type: JPEG